
Friday, July 7, 2017

tabunok trip

on the timbernook trip we built some huts and there was  a pill of stuff for the huts me and rory built a hut then we moved to a plas were there was heaps  of trees and bosh is  then we moved to hunters hut we donn some work in there then we went and moved to  zions hut the we went  and made a nather hut so we have  two huts.               this is tyler and zoey hut that they made It was very good they had heaps of stuff in there

this is tj helping us with the hut we had heaps of kids helping us  tj was one of them he was looking for stuff.  he did cut his arm open
this is where
 he cut it open it was so slippery  he  slipped and cut it open he is ok